Bilingual message EN & FR
Here is an extract of our FCCJ Board's message which I co-signed yesterday. I want to believe that Thai authorities will come to reasonable solution:
"The Board of Directors of the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan [FCCJ] is appalled to learn that the entire board of the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Thailand (FCCT) has been accused of committing lese majeste, a crime that carries a maximum prison sentence of 15 years. The FCCJ is also gravely concerned that in the recent past the Thai authorities have used the country's lese majeste laws to restrict freedom of expression and have otherwise abused it for its own political ends. The Board of the FCCJ is dismayed by reports that the 13-member Board of the FCCT will be investigated by police after a complaint was filed by a freelance translator." The entire communique http://www.fccj.or.jp/node/4708
Mais les obstacles au travail de journaliste ce n'est pas seulement une question de régime autoritaire, c'est aussi une affaire de cartel qui s'en donne a coeur joie! A l'occasion des reprises estivales des grands sujets de l'année, on peut relire ce papier: (17 Novembre 2008 sur Asian Gazette)
"Les "cartels" de la presse d'agence à l'heure d'Internet."
Des géants de l'édition et des médias broient des journalistes.