Exclusive Asian Gazette

Following the China Japan territorial quarrel and the arrest of the captain of a fishing boat by the Japan Coast Guard, sources informed of a potential cyber attack planned for September 18th against Japanese governmental agencies. Bluff?
No, it is true, it was confirmed to me tonight in Tokyo by a Japanese cabinet official: "there are preparations from security agencies against a cyber attack" on Japan on the 18th of September, this is on Saturday.
Asking what the answer would be on the official side and if Japan administration and ministries already were under attack? "Not at that stage but we have the information". I was also told tonight at the Kantei by an official that counter security measures are undertaken in case of an angry reaction of Chinese cyber citizens as it was allegedly reported in the US and Korea earlier last year. But nothing on my radar screen yet. It could also be a Japanese Psyops...
Still the information was confirmed to me tonight by the Kantei prime Minister Kan office while I asked, accompanied by 2 other foreign correspondents, just before the "theatrical press conference" as one of my colleague put it, of the Prime Minister Kan announcing his new cabinet... Certainly the most boring press conference I ever attended in Japan during which it was impossible to reach the microphone for the foreign press except for 2 press agencies reporters who were recognized and allowed to ask a question which did not get any informative content.
And nothing at all from the Japanese press, apparently refusing to even ask the question tonight to the PM Kan although I was surrounded by lots of "spooky" reporters while I chatted with an official of the Government office. Where do they find these reporters?
So. Let's just wait a while. If it is true, then, it means Japan is threatened by a Chinese cyber attack but if Japan made it up, therefore it adds fuel to the fire already currently ravaging Japan China relations following their Senkaku Daioyu territorial disputes --as exposed in my former post today.
I was also told by the Kantei source tonight that the Chief of the "Naicho", the secret services of Japan, is working with his team on this alleged Chinese citizens cyber attack!
1- The "Manchurian Incident" 79th is celebrated on September 18th.
2- For readers interested in getting Chinese netizens comments, sometimes very crude.
3- Updated on Cyber Attack on Saturday 18th Sept 2010 10:20 AM Japan time: Several hours after Asian Gazette published the information, Kyodo news agency and Afp ran the story: "The Defense Ministry and the National Police Agency possibly came under cyberattacks between Wednesday and Friday as it temporarily became difficult for people to access their websites, government officials said. The government is looking into the attacks given that a hackers’ group viewed as the largest in China has said it will attack Japanese government websites through Saturday in protest over Tokyo’s handling of the collisions last week between a Chinese fishing boat and Japan Coast Guard patrol boats near disputed East China Sea islands. The method of attack is believed to be the so-called distributed denial of service attacks in which hackers send massive data to a target website and make it unable to respond or function promptly, the official said." http://bit.ly/ctOEj1
Sources: Reporter's Notes