Advise number 1: Run! Just run!
Really...who can?
1) There are over 27,000 nuclear weapons in the world.
Thousands are deployed on land, at sea and in the air,
posing the constant threat of nuclear war and
radioactive contamination.
An atomic explosion is a chain reaction in which atoms
are split. This releases colossal amounts of energy,
and particles that collide with more and more atoms
causing an exponentially growing chain reaction. This
process is called fission. The most powerful fission
explosion is achieved by using enriched uranium and
plutonium atoms, which are unstable and radioactive.
• Atomic bombs (also known as A-bombs or fission
bombs) produce their explosive energy purely through
nuclear fission reaction.
• Hydrogen bombs (also known as H-bombs, thermonuclear
bombs or fusion bombs) produce energy through nuclear
fusion reactions, and can be over a thousand times
more powerful than fission bombs. In a similar
process to the sun, they work by using fission energy
to compress and heat fusion fuel.1
• The destructive power of a nuclear explosion is
measured in kilotonnes (which are equivalent to
thousands of tonnes of TNT) and megatonnes (equivalent
to millions of tonnes).2

About the Obama Nuclear Summit schedule
(Without Iran, Israel, North Korea)
2) Prior to the Obama Nuclear Summit. These days, it is
up to how to survive a nuclear attack. I've seen lots
of dodgy pages, here are a few quotes...
Or this one... http://www.ki4u.com/guide.htm
"If a "Dirty Bomb" Attack (Not the vastly more
devastating nuclear weapon blasts with fallout
discussed below.) - You can expect localized and
downwind contamination from the explosion and
dispersed radioactive materials. If you are near
enough to see or hear any local bomb blast, assume
that it includes radiological or chemical agents. You
should move away from the blast area as quickly as
possible. If the wind is blowing toward you from the
direction of the blast, travel in a direction that is
crosswise or perpendicular to the wind as you move
away from the blast area. If possible cover your face
with a dust mask or cloth to avoid inhaling
potentially radioactive dust. Upon reaching a safe
location, remove your outer clothing outside and
shower as soon as possible. Refer to local news
sources for additional instructions about sheltering
or evacuation. The government is better prepared to
direct and assist the public in a 'dirty bomb'
incident, unlike an actual nuclear weapon attack
discussed below."
#1 - STAY OR GO? You must decide FIRST if you need to
prepare where you are, or attempt evacuation. The
nature of the threat, your prior preparations, and
your confidence in your sources of information should
direct your decision. If you know already you will be
preparing to stay at your own home or, at least, the
immediate local area, go now to #2 below.
3) In the meantime... about the Nuclear Summit... A
Nuclear Summit without North Korea?
Although the gathering of 47 countries will not focus
on individual nations, the nuclear programs of Iran
and the DPRK are expected to come up in Obama's
bilateral meetings with PRC President Hu Jintao and
other leaders, as well as in the speeches of Israeli
and other participants. A draft communique circulated
to countries attending the summit, includes a U.S.
proposal to "secure all vulnerable nuclear material in
four years." "If leaders at the summit get it right,
they could render nuclear power safer to use in the
fight against climate change, strengthen the
non-proliferation regime, and build further
international confidence in ... nuclear disarmament,"
said Ian Kearns, who is an adviser to Britain's
parliamentary committee on national security.
The highest ranking DPRK official who defected to the
ROK reported that the DPRK will not collapse soon
despite its dire situation, a report said yesterday.
Hwang Jang-yop, former secretary of the DPRK ruling
Workers' Party, was quoted by Kyoto News Agency in a
closed lecture in Tokyo, "In North Korea, the
influence of the late leader Kim Il Sung remains
strong. So even if Kim Jong Il has health problems,
North Korea will see no major upheaval as long as Kim
Kyong Hui, Kim Jong Il's younger sister and a Workers'
Party director, remains in power," Hwang said. He
added that a coup d'état by the DPRK`s military is
unlikely since it has been indoctrinated by ideology.
In the meantime,the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly
convenes an annual session Friday expected to show
solidarity and perhaps indications of the nation's
future leadership and economy. On Thursday, the DPRK
elite, senior officials from the Workers' Party, the
military and the government, gathered in Pyongyang to
celebrate Kim Jong Il's 17 years of leadership, the
Korean Central News Agency said. Major DPRK
newspapers ran editorials praising Kim's leadership,
KCNA said Friday. Floral baskets and congratulatory
letters have been streaming in from foreign diplomats
and the military attaches, it said.
Japan decided Friday to extend its sanctions against
the DPRK for one year after the current measures
expire on Tuesday, including a ban on DPRK vessels
from making port calls in Japan. The decision was
made at a meeting of Cabinet ministers as Pyongyang
has not fulfilled its promise to reinvestigate cases
of Japanese nationals abducted by the DPRK, nor has it
returned to the six-party talks aimed at ending its
nuclear programs, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirofumi
Hirano said. While noting that the sanctions have
produced ''a certain outcome,'' Hirano admitted Friday
that there are suspicions that trade has taken place
between the two countries via a third country. ''This
is an issue we must study in the future because
cooperation with related countries will be necessary,
given that there is a question about whether Japan can
handle it alone,'' he said.
Notes added pages on the Nuclear weapons survival kit
(copy and paste to access)
www.wikipedia.org of course...
How Stuff Works,
Kate Hudson, CND – Now More Than Ever, The Story of a Peace Movement, Vision Paperbacks, 2005.
ICAN, ‘Nuclear Weapons Today’,
Mohamed ElBaradei, ‘Preserving the Non-Proliferation Treaty’, 2005, www.unidir.org/pdf/articles/pdf-art2185.pdf
Bradford Disarmament Research Centre,
Nuclear Information Project, ‘US Nuclear Weapons in Europe’, www.nukestrat.com/us/afn/nato.htm
Arms Control Association, ‘Nuclear Weapon Free Zones’,
International Atomic Energy Association,
Arms Control Association, ‘Nuclear Weapons – who has what?’, www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/
Natural Resources Defense Council, ‘Nuclear Insecurity – A Critique of the Bush
Administration’s Nuclear Weapons Policies’, 2004, www.nrdc.org/nuclear/insecurity/critique.pdf
1998 UNDP Human Development Report,
Brookings Institution, ‘The US Nuclear Weapons Cost Study Project’, 1998, www.brookings.edu/projects/archive/nucweapons/50.aspx
The American War Library,
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, ‘The cost of British nuclear weapons’,
‘The Environment and the Nuclear Age’, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, www.reachingcriticalwill.org/technical/factsheets/environmental.html