The equivalent power of Nagasaki nuclear bomb! This is the latest test of bellicose North Korean nuclear scientists, after the quasi failure of the last rocket launch, under the thumbs of Pyongyang's generals, themselves under the nose of the Beijing leaders. Is Beijing going to advise the North junta to adopt an other type of attitude, a more conciliative behavior in line with the expectation of a denuclearization of rogue regimes? China does not broker any peace on the Korean Peninsula so far. China, in spite of her historical tie with the old guard of Pyongyang, is told to condemn such nuclear test. But what sort of action would the China leadership take to influence North Korea to "opt out" the nuclear option?
Also to whom is the nuclear test aimed at? Is there any struggle coming from the military hard-liners at the top of the Pyongyang regime, probably holding Kim Jong-il 's hand, which is the motive of such radicalization of the DPRK (North Korea)? Is the test aimed at China? I have not yet read any conclusive opinions but it is the viwpoint of a bunch of experts in East Asia that this test is not just running an old movie. The bomb is real, the bomb is a threat. Time to the Pyongyangers to open up and to the nations involved in the 6 party talks to set an honorable end to such crisis. By the way, where is the European Union in this 6 party talks and if EU has her two cents to say in Afghanistan why not in the terrible risks and blackmails motioned by North Korea Stalinian dictatorship?
Watching pictures of reporters who could set a foot in DPRK and noticing the immense poverty and unhappiness of the people, soldiers, children and families abused and ill treated, (reminder of Burma or Khmer Rouge ordeals and murders that I reported) there is a human tragedy up there in DPRK. There is an urgent need to confront and address with discussions not with bombs, kidnappings, and miserable life.
Democratic nations cannot confront two aggressions and conflicts in the same time and let Pyongyang play the errant predatory card ,"with its million-strong army, it (DPRK) still has the capacity to inflict horrific damage on any invading force", the Independent writes today.

Seismologist report of the Kilju, North Korea, underground nuclear test
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