Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Japan and Food Security since Fukushima

Japan is to give up its nuclear industry by... the 2030s

RTL MONDE Magazine. Après la décision du Japon "de sortir du nucléaire" j'enquête à Tokyo et dans plusieurs régions du Japon sur l'un des sujets les plus inquiétants aujourd'hui: la sécurité alimentaire causée par les cra
intes de radioactivité. Coup de projecteur. 

I report for our News Channel RTL MONDE about Japan after Japan's decision to phase out nuclear energy in the 2030s and investigate on the pressing radioactivity fear on "food security"! (Anchored with Marie Guerrier in place of Daniel Férin)

"Japan is going to exit nuclear energy in the horizons of the 2030s, Japan announced its decision Friday. Such a shift of national policy would have never happened without the Fukushima catastrophe. Because actually it was the opposite that was planned prior to Fukushima. Japan wanted to increase the share of nuclear energy in its production of electricity. But... there was the tsunami of March 2011 and a total reconsideration of Japanese energy politics. An other consequence of the catastrophe at the power plant of Fukushima is the worrying of people about the effects of radioactivity..." 

Development on RTL MONDE starts at 13:00 

Monday, September 17, 2012

The scary diagram Tepco and Government want to keep secret
Japan Nuclear Industry

This extraordinary picture is the diagram explaining the correlation of the Japanese Nuclear Power Village. 60% of Japanese economy works with the nuclear industry, from industry to services and it finances huge amount of the Japanese media.