L'Empereur du Japon Akihito envisage d'abdiquer dans quelques années. Une première. Pour l'instant, il ne s'agit que d'intentions. En outre le code impérial n'a pas de précédent d'abdication. Depuis 200 ans. L'Empereur pourra faire part de son intention et il réfléchit comment l'annoncer dans l'avenir. Il pourrait abdiquer avant les JO d'Eté de 2020 de Tokyo selon un commentaire d'un reporter de Nhk.
Japan's Emperor Akihito plans to resign in a few years. For now, it is only intentions. Moreover the imperial code has no precedent of abdication since 200 years. The Emperor will make his intention known and he ponders how to announce it in the future. The Emperor of Japan Akihito could abdicate before the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 hinted by an Nhk reporter.
Info from Nhk.
Books about Japan and abdication : "Medieval Japan: Essays in Institutional History, by John Whitney Hall, Jeffrey P. Mass
"Media, Propaganda and Politics in 20th-Century Japan"
By The Asahi Shimbun Company.
"The succession to the Chrysanthemum Throne has always passed to descendants in male line from the imperial lineage. Abdication was used very often, and in fact occurred more often than death on the throne. In those days, the Emperor's chief task was priestly (or godly), containing so many repetitive rituals that it was deemed that after a service of around ten years, the incumbent deserved pampered retirement as an honored former Emperor. Daijō Tennō or Dajō Tennō (both accepted readings of 太上天皇) was the title for a Japanese Emperor who abdicated in favor of a successor. The term is often shortened to Jōkō. As defined in the Taihō Code, although retired, a Daijō Tennō could still exert power. The first such example is the Empress Jitō in the 7th century. A retired emperor sometimes entered the Buddhist monastic community, becoming a cloistered emperor. This practice was rather common during the Heian period. The last emperor to rule as a Jōkō was Emperor Kōkaku (1779–1817) EoQ Wikipedia.
(As stated on the Nhk and mentioned on online pages such as Wikipedia)
La cérémonie d’intronisation (Sokui-no-Rei) a eu lieu le 12 Novembre 1990 et les festivités du "Daijosai" (dont l'objet est de solliciter d'abondante récolte) le 23 novembre 1990. J'ai réalisé en 1990 la production en langue française de cette cérémonie impériale pour la NHK et l'Agence de la Maison Impériale.
I carried out in 1990 the production translation in French and narration of this imperial ceremony for NHK and the Imperial Household Agency during my first stay in Japan.
+ Update: One of my reportages about Japan Imperial family on TV5MONDE
Japan needs to get prepared for this recent historic announcement. NHK announced the news. LDP talks about it. Kunaicho denied it of course. Time is now used to prepare population and avoid crisis or stress...
Sokuirei-Seiden-no-Gi Ceremony 1990
I carried out in 1990 the production translation in French and narration of this imperial ceremony for NHK and the Imperial Household Agency during my first stay in Japan.
+ Update: One of my reportages about Japan Imperial family on TV5MONDE