Saturday, May 18, 2013

Fukushima, Tohoku, Sendai: Les failles sismiques sont elles prévisibles?

"Fukushima il faudra dépenser au moins 300 milliards de $ pour 50 ans de travaux. Etait-ce prévisible? Les grandes entreprises électriques et les compagnies d'assurances auraient pu développer des recherches, et un mécénat scientifique mieux spécialisé sur les failles sismiques et les glissements de plaques pour développer, inciter, comparer les recherches scientifiques afin que la communauté scientifique se mette d'accord sur le risque. (Gestion de crise)

On aurait fait des économies a court terme, or les entreprises électriques ont fait un mauvais calcul, et aujourd'hui  le coût depuis l'accident de Fukushima est plus élevé que ce qu'aurait coûté une construction tenant compte des risques sismiques existants. A Fukushima une centrale construite dans les années 70, on n'a pas tenu compte du gigantesque tremblement de terre survenu en 1960 au Chili, une vague de 6 ou 7 mètres avait alors touché la zone qui allait devenir la centrale dévastée de Fukushima. Bref C'était possible d'avoir des prévisions des séisme et tsunamis. On pouvait prévoir que ces très gros séismes [comme ceux de Tohoku Sendai du 11 mars 2011] allaient se produire."

Sur France Culture: "Comment fonctionnent les grandes failles ?"
Planète Terre
Photo: parasismique

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Is Japan back?

Japan's economy went faster than expected in the first quarter of 2013. Real GDP grew 0.9 percent, which brings an annualized basis of 3.5 percent!! Here we see a rise in consumer spending. "... gross domestic product numbers are the first major report card for Mr. Abe's economic policy, after he took power in December pledging to get Japan out of 15 years of deflation", the Nikkei writes. Wow, Abenomics... Some fear inflation though. Prices to rise. Impact on corporate world? Too soon to say Hurray. "Japan which was a little bit forgotten for years as the third-largest economy is back center stage so it's good," said Nissan's Chief Exec' Carlos Ghosn.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Top adviser of Japan Prime Minister Abe in Pyongyang

Iijima san and Kim Chol Ho, Pyongyang

This is the man, Isao Iijima (L) adviser to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who arrived in North Korea today on May 14 in a rare surprise visit to Pyongyang, media say the purpose of the visit was not immediately known. North Korean state television showed the aide, Isao Iijima, arriving in Pyongyang. Kyodo news said he was met by Kim Chol Ho, vice director of the North Korean Foreign Ministry's Asian Affairs Department. ijima was a top aide to former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, who visited Pyongyang for talks with then North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il, in September 2002 and May 2004.

Isao Iijima is rough enough and generous enough... to deal with North Korean on abductees and nuclear missiles. People rumour he is here to meet ruling Workers’ Party of Korea and the DPRK government in a bid to improve bilateral relations, nuclear missiles crisis, abductees. Japan and North Korea resumed intergovernmental negotiations in last August after a four-year hiatus. Money is an important item in such negotiation but also softer aid. Remains to be seen what the US will comment.

Ijima san is well versed in many aspects of the secret diplomacy of Japan's government. I can only understand that the abductees issue is a very crucial agenda for Shinzo Abe who always keeps the eyes on the July election at Japanese Parliament Upper House. It federates support from Japanese public opinion. I also heard from a former top LDP that the number of abductees from Japan "kidnapped" or voluntarily staying in North Korea is in the range of several dozens, at one point I heard over more than a hundred. Far from the 8 publicly announced.

The problem with North Korea is, obviously, that it is involved in narcotics and counterfeit operations to fund its missile and nuclear ambitions.  No government in Japan could possibly ignore that. Especially Ijima or Abe knowing  the fact that without China's help, North Korea would not be able to make even a toothbrush...
More later.

IJIMA Isao さん (L) JLK (R) chat in a party

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ozu revisited

 110 birth anniversary of the filmmaker

Fantastic! Film studio Shochiku Co. will celebrate the 110th anniversary of the birth of legendary director Yasujiro Ozu this year by making digitally restored versions of four of his color films and staging special events.

"An Autumn Afternoon" will be screened for the first time at the Cannes International Film Festival starting Wednesday, while the refurbished version of "Equinox Flower" will be shown at the Venice Film Festival later this year!

Ozu series will start June 22 at the Cine Nouveau theater in Osaka, while all of his works will be screened at the Jimbocho Theatre in Tokyo starting Nov. 23 (Kyodo, Japan Times)