Saturday, July 12, 2014

Defending the Politics of the Abe Administration. How? Repeat, Reiterate, Restate !

Chief Cabinet Secretary (CCS) Yoshihide Suga invited at the press club, Suga only information was that he hopes Abe will meet Xi at Apec summit later this year: "At Apec, Suga said, world leaders will convene, having talks, I think, is a natural practice of our leaders in the international community.” The CCS job is basically to lead Japan administration and be a solid bridge between the US and Japan.

Chief Cabinet Secretary (CCS) Yoshihide Suga

Too few questions asked here on Friday July 11th, too long speech of Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga. The Japanese way to express and convince, not explain or not engage in risk of criticism? Rule number 1:  Repeat, reiterate, restate...

Looks unfortunately like a bureaucratic "langue de bois" chat as in the Soviet Union time. It would be advisable that Japanese leaders engage into these events not with a lecture, seen as long and sometimes boring type, but in a short presentation, say 10 to 12 minutes and then enter into the Q&A providing THEN their policy lines for each question and add their numerous witted comments. 

That was a 38 minutes long speech and then Q&A on Defending the Politics of the Abe Administration: (with interpreter) No breakthrough on Constitutional and collective self defence, usual: "Possibility of a “minimum use of SDF activities is a fundamental thing, it exists within framework by previous government and it does not go beyond the Constitution, therefore no need to go to Constitution revision.” 

Suga did not exactly answer one press conference question asked by the moderator of the day. The moderator asked about new law on collective self defence and Japan public opinion on Constitution. We know people were not consulted by referendum, Abe says OK to reinterpretation not referendum. The moderator did not re-asked his question after Suga's answer but CCS Suga reacted and answered by reiterated his former words: “Abe administration has 3 pillars, since in office, 1 of them is to be able to ensure crisis management in thorough way, regardless the Constitution interpretation, Abe cabinet wants to guarantee life and peaceful life of its people and whatever surveys say, up or down" Suga said and this is via the interpreter. Did Suga convince? Not really after hearing chats in the corridors of the press club.

Thing is many media complained of not enough time to ask questions. "Schedule thing" you know. Also there was a lot of repetitions. But CCS Suga scored in his last answer to an hypothetical question about Asia future and prosperity. Saying Japan works under the rule of international laws. Goal! Face expressions show how CCS Suga was quite unhappy being here, just delivering a message to the "Gaijin media". I saw in the assistance the usual lot of extreme right wingers attending our event... Bizarre です ね ?

On youtube