Saturday, December 11, 2010

Birmanie et Corée du Nord: Fusion sur le nucléaire?

Beaucoup de commentaires récemment sur le nucléaire nord-coréen et en particulier des accusations de similitudes entre certaines installations et celles conçues en Corée du sud et au Japon. Difficile de faire son tri dans ce qui est vrai et faux dans la mesure ou les enquêtes et vérifications sont impossibles dans le pays de Mister Kim brother & son.

Mais plusieurs télégrammes émanant de l'ambassade des Etats-Unis à Rangoun, révélés par WikiLeaks, montrent que les diplomates surveillent depuis des années les activités énigmatiques des Nord-Coréens en Birmanie, en particulier à l'ouest de la ville de Minbu, dans le centre du pays, où serait située une installation nucléaire.

La junte birmane est depuis longtemps suspectée de chercher à développer ses capacités nucléaires avec l'aide des Nord-Coréens, mais la plupart des spécialistes estiment que le pays, très pauvre, reste très loin de l'objectif. En septembre, la Birmanie a certifié à l'AIEA (Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique) qu'elle n'avait pas l'intention de développer des armes atomiques et que ses activités nucléaires, dont elle n'a pas fourni le détail, étaient de caractère purement civil.

Les fuites:

-Dans un câble de novembre 2009, Larry Dinger, le chargé d'affaires américain à Rangoun, écrit que la coopération entre les deux pays, parmi les plus reclus au monde, «reste opaque». «Il se passe certainement quelque chose», ajoute-t-il. «Que ce quelque chose comprenne du “nucléaire” reste une question très ouverte qui demeure de la plus haute priorité.»

-Dans un mémo de janvier 2004, un homme d'affaires étranger transmet à l'ambassade des rumeurs selon lesquelles un réacteur nucléaire serait en chantier à proximité de Mimbu. Il dit avoir vu d'énormes péniches en cours de déchargement près du site ainsi qu'un nouvel aéroport doté d'une piste si large que «la navette spatiale pourrait se poser dessus». Le câble note que ces rumeurs circulent depuis 2002 et coïncident avec la présence accrue de Nord-Coréens en Birmanie.

-En août 2004, un autre télégramme indique que selon un informateur, des ouvriers nord-coréens assemblent des missiles sol-air et construisent une installation souterraine sur un site militaire proche de Minbu. L'information n'a pu être vérifiée mais corrobore des rumeurs rapportées par d'autres sources. Ces informations indiquent que «les Birmans et les Nord-Coréens travaillent sur un projet secret de nature militaire ou militaro-industrielle», poursuit la note. «Quoi exactement, et à quelle échelle, cela reste à déterminer.»

Aussi ce blog spécialisé sur la Birmanie et ses tumultueuses relations avec la Thaïlande suit cette affaire depuis quelques mois: "Since 2000, Western intelligence sources have been gathering evidence of North Korea providing assistance to Burma to build a nuclear reactor that can produce graded plutonium"

Sources: Agences, Vaitor, Reporter's notes

Thursday, December 09, 2010

WikiLeaks: Americans criticize the French press

Bilingual post FR & EN

*** French version

L’image des médias français est loin d’être bonne outre-atlantique.
Extraits du câble 07 Paris 306, Ambassade américaine à Paris.

Blog L'Express:
"Le quotidien Le Monde a publié quelques unes des
données fournies par WikiLeaks sur les 251 287
documents confidentiels de la diplomatie américaine
diffusés sur Internet. Pourtant, l’un d’entre eux,
très critique sur la presse française, n’a pas été
retenu. Comme l’a relevé Olivier Fraysse sur Twitter,
l’image des médias français est loin d’être bonne
outre-atlantique" :"Le quotidien Le Monde a publié
quelques unes des données fournies par WikiLeaks sur
les 251 287 documents confidentiels de la diplomatie
américaine diffusés sur Internet. Pourtant, l’un
d’entre eux, très critique sur la presse française, n’a
pas été retenu. Comme l’a relevé Olivier Fraysse sur
Twitter, l’image des médias français est loin d’être
bonne outre-atlantique" :

*** English version, quote of the cable

"Media Environment"
¶11. As in other European countries, French media reporting of U.S.
policies and intentions is often skeptical. Reporting by the
mainstream media on Arab Muslims and their issues, however, is
typically not so much negative as negligent, falling short both in
its coverage of discrimination towards them and of juvenile
delinquency among them.

¶12. Official Americans and pro-USG surrogates have ready access to
most French media to convey official policy messages, but using that
access effectively presents a special challenge. Superior French
language and presentation skills are especially important for making
effective use of French broadcast media. Communicating to the
French about the treatment of their minorities, a topic they
themselves are often reticent to explore in depth, is more difficult
for us than, say, describing our own, American experience. Any
ill-prepared efforts to reach out to France's Muslim audiences could
easily become counter-productive. We therefore must continue to
proceed with care.

¶13. Our primary media focus needs to be on TV and radio,
but print - and the new media - should not be ignored.

¶14. Fewer or less than one French adult in four reads a national
newspaper regularly. Regional papers are still important, however,
with Ouest France (Rennes) being the largest daily. The French are
more avid magazine readers, buying over three billion copies a year.

¶15. French broadcasting is partly state-owned and partly in the
hands of private enterprise. Most French TV viewers still,
reportedly, prefer the six major broadcast channels, but the number
of channels offered by various cable and satellite operators
continues to grow, with the newest being France 24, a CNN-like
24-hour news-station. Average French TV viewership is over five and
one-half hours per day.

¶16. Radio, especially FM, remains an important medium in France:
over 99 per cent of French households own at least one radio and
almost 5 in 6 over the age of 13 year listen to the radio daily. As
with TV, French radio is part state-owned and part private.

¶17. Top French journalists are often products of the same elite
schools as many French government leaders. These journalists do not
necessarily regard their primary role as to check the power of
government. Rather, many see themselves more as intellectuals,
preferring to analyze events and influence readers more than to
report events.

¶18. The private sector media in France - print and broadcast -
continues to be dominated by a small number of conglomerates, and
all French media are more regulated and subjected to political and
commercial pressures than are their American counterparts. The
Higher Audio-Visual Council, created in 1989, appoints the CEOs of
all French public broadcasting channels and monitors their political

¶19. Internet access is growing steadily in France, especially among
the younger generation, rapidly replacing traditional media. All
important television and radio channels in France have their own
websites, as do the major print media. Blogs are an increasingly
popular method of communication for minorities and NGOs, who use
them to express opinions they do not feel are reflected in the
traditional media.

¶20. France's first generation Arab immigrants typically continue to
read publications from their countries of origin, and the major
Algerian, Moroccan and Tunisian papers are widely available in
larger French cities. These individuals also watch satellite and
cable TV stations in Arabic, including Al-Jazeerah TV. Second and
third generation French Arabs, however, are typically not literate
in Arab, and their print media habits are similar to those of other
French readers." Unquote

Sources: WikiLeaks, Le Monde, L'Express, JournaListe, Reporter's notes

Creative Commons License
WikiLeaks: Americans criticize the French press by Asian Gazette is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Wikileaks: the war against Information is lost!

Millions of people already accessed to the information leaked by Julian Assange

Assange's Wikileaks opened the Pandora Box! Some want it close! Amazing story, this "Cablegate!" Astonishing! Unless the questions are asked about intentional inaction of the American Executive to stop the leaks. The first military power, financial and electronic world trapped and forced to drown politically, through incompetence, irresponsibility and paralysis because of a bunch of online activists? Or is it that the U.S. administration perceives a benefit by inaction and let the world focus on somber episodes of former administrations?

How could Assange breached the most guarded and privileged information that exist on earth? Besides, the US geopolitical position has remain unchanged since these exposures despite the embarrassments... To let the State Dept lose its credibility, such a monument, it appears as a political act. And the more it goes, the more the cables identify policies implemented during the sulphuric Bush presidencies. Now, about 750 mirror sites have sprung up to help WikiLeaks continue to publish its leaks of sensitive U.S. documents. It is not only a matter of sympathetic supporters of Internet Journalism or Mad Max of transparency.

The latest revelations came on a day that saw hackers sympathetic to WikiLeaks and targeted Master Card and Visa over their decision to block payments to the whistle-blowers' website, after Amazon and PayPal. Interesting enough Facebook and Twitter are not removing WikiLeaks!

Meanwhile, the U.S. and its allies have taken measures to interrupt WikiLeaks' activities. The French Industry Minister Eric Besson called for the site to be banned from French servers. Swiss bank announced it had frozen $41,000 in an account set up as a legal-defense fund for Assange.

Though, "there appears to be no statute that generally proscribes the acquisition or publication of diplomatic cables," the Secrecy News of the FAS writes today, according to a newly updated report from the Congressional Research Service, "although government employees who disclose such information without proper authority may be subject to prosecution."

But there is a thicket of statutes, most notably including the Espionage Act, that could conceivably be used to punish unauthorized publication of classified information, such as the massive releases made available by Wikileaks.

A previous version of the CRS report, issued in October, was just cited by Sen. Dianne Feinstein in a Wall Street Journal op-ed in support of prosecuting Wikileaks, though the report did not specifically advise such a course of action. Sen. Feinstein also seemed to endorse the view that the State Department cables being released by Wikileaks are categorically protected by the Espionage Act and should give rise to a prosecution under the Act.

But the Espionage Act only pertains to information "relating to the national defense," and only a minority of the diplomatic cables could possibly fit that description.

The new CRS report put it somewhat differently: "It seems likely that most of the information disclosed by WikiLeaks that was obtained from Department of Defense databases [and released earlier in the year] falls under the general rubric of information related to the national defense. The diplomatic cables obtained from State Department channels may also contain information relating to the national defense and thus be covered under the Espionage Act, but otherwise its disclosure by persons who are not government employees does not appear to be directly proscribed.

It is possible that some of the government information disclosed in any of the three releases does not fall under the express protection of any statute, despite its classified status."

The CRS report concludes that any prosecution of Wikileaks would be unprecedented and challenging, both legally and politically. "We are aware of no case in which a publisher of information obtained through unauthorized disclosure by a government employee has been prosecuted for publishing it. There may be First Amendment implications that would make such a prosecution difficult, not to mention political ramifications based on concerns about government censorship." Unquote.

Time writes, quote: "In the U.S., officials are finding that while there were certainly structural reasons like expanded technology and over-classification behind the theft of the leaked documents, practical reasons were equally important. Thanks to an imperative from then commander of the U.S. Central Command David Petraeus and others to share information with allies on improvised explosive devices and other threats, the Central Command allowed the downloading of data from its secret in-house network, SIPRNet, to removable storage devices, officials tell Time. The information was then carried to computers linked to secret networks used by allies and uploaded. The process was derisively called "sneaker net," because it was so inefficient, although it replaced the prior need to manually retype all information into the allied computers. Unquote.

The worst scenario would be new restrictions on the use of Internet but apparently no-one can do it today and this is the real victory that Assange and his fellow colleagues of WikiLeaks are trying to demonstrate. One can punish a traitor who grabs data he should not within his service duties but it can't be the messenger who publish them who is to be jailed. Otherwise there is a word to describe such act and it does not fit the language used by Democracies.

Sources: FAS, Agencies, Time, Reporter's notes

Creative Commons License
Wikileaks: the war against Information is lost! by Asian Gazette is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

The Asian Gazette's Leaks...

Keep on course

Asian Gazette Blog doubled the number of readers compared to a year ago! Transparency... here is the result of regular posts with today's release of comments made by readers of Asian Gazette --readers on increase with the use of smart-phones, IPod and IPad-- According to the famous expression nowadays, this is a
"journalistic selection" regarding the topics covered, quoted, re-posted or commented here; and I post it "brut de décoffrage". The most obvious lessons of contemporary journalism underline the principle which is that transparency represents the first really sustained fruit born with the digital age. And as always, I am aware and concerned with access to information as a principal (based on the spirit of the United Nations peers) with the inherent responsibilities and consequences attached to any data publication. Thank you for your faithful encouragement and comments.

Not all of secret documents should be published. If a country has some secret dealing with an another one, and it doesn't want opposing diplomats to know about it, it should keep it secret. That's just my opinion, though.
By Heather on Wikileaks makes everybody a Big Brother! on 12/8/10
"Wikileaks makes everybody a Big Brother!" Quoted in : Business, Hacking, International Personalities, Julian Assange, Software, Technology, WikiLeaks, World
By Anonymous on Wikileaks makes everybody a Big Brother! on 12/6/10
I am Hu. From Taiwan. Chinese Television System. Hope you are good. please contact me.
By Hu on Monju FBR resumes operations: security fears wiped... on 5/10/10
One of the best place to see the wonder of the world is the Iceland. It is best known for its beautiful glaziers, waterfalls and landscapes. Hotel accommodation in Iceland is not a problem, it has plenty of quality and affordable hotel accommodation.
By Iceland Hotels on France branded as "No.1 tourism destination" on 3/31/10
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By Pendidikan Untuk Negeri Kita on France branded as "No.1 tourism destination" on 2/16/10
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By Steve Austin on China testing Japan USA relations? on 10/2/05
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By emily on Was ITER linked to the Iraq debt by France? on 9/13/05
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By alex on Re : Was ITER linked to the Iraq debt by France? on 9/8/05
Japanese textbook rarely usedJapan's nationalist "New HistoryTextbook" is fueling the deepestebb in Japan-China relations indecades, but few Japanese studentshave ever read it.Though given away for free, thetext is used by only 18 juniorhigh schools -- out of 11,102junior highs in all of Japan. Ithas been denounced by the nation'sleading teacher's union, and iswell right of mainstream publicopinion.Outside of Japan's classrooms,however, the textbook is anythingbut obscure.Since it was first approved by agovernment screening panel fouryears ago, the text has beensingled out by Japan's neighborsas evidence that the country istrying to whitewash its militaristpast.And its unrepentant tone andomission of Japan's wartimeatrocities -- including germwarfare and the forcing of tens ifnot hundreds of thousands of womeninto prostitution -- have outragedmany Japanese educators andliberals.It is See more...
By A on Rarely-Read Book Inspires Japan-China Rift on 4/17/05
Isn't' it bizarre to see that demonstrators can strike wherever they want in such country as China? Is the old CCP guards still angry at Huand Wen and infuriated at Japan UNSC attempt. Are these strikes "political activities" pre-organized. Police closed to the crowds. Anyone arrested ? Are Universities there underlecturing by Party promising activists. Japanese mediacoverage was quite a surprise too. This piece from the CSM is quite interesting on the contrary: Quotes :"Take a big knife and chopoff head of Japanese devil."Not since 1985, when the then Japanese prime minister visited the Yasukuni Shrine, has Beijing allowed such a demonstration. While described as aspontaneous rally, theorganized nature of the Saturday protest seemed apparent to some observers. Areas for press, protesters,and riot police were tapedoff. Movement was carefully organized: crowds were sent past the See more...
By A on Deadly Bird Flu Could Spread Beyond Asia on 4/11/05
Comment: Sure, the evidence against Asaka is pretty flimsy and it would be a mistake to hold him completely responsible for what happened in Nanjing at the end of 1937 and the start of the new year. Matsui is equally or more culpable, although it is also hard to apportion total blame. The events of the Rape of Nanjing appear to a large degree to have been spontaneous and self-perpetuating; a rolling, uncontrollable and hysterical killing spree under an imperial seal. Something like the massacres that occurred in Rwanda in 1994. But Asaka is here as a symbol of the culture that spawned the terrible events at Nanjing and elsewhere in Asia and the Pacific during the 1930s and 40s. The dangerous convergence of the imperial and the military. That Japan remains reluctant to admit the wrongs of the past and apologise diminishes its claim to have been the last victim of the Second World War. Sources :
By A on Taiwan : 2015 Peak Oil, eternal distress and histo... on 3/6/05
Allied POWS Under The Japanese Roger Mansell - Director 199 First Street, Suite 335 Los Altos CA 94022 (USA) Tel: 650-941-2037 Main Page : You MUST type this address out for e-mailing Graphic image is used to avoid spammers This site is entirely sponsored by Roger Mansell, Palo Alto, California. All information is "Copyrighted by Roger Mansell". Please attribute source as noted or acknowledge the source as Roger Mansell, Palo Alto, CA. Many pictures also have high resolution files for printing purposes. Simply ask web master for a free download or CD. Please: Be sure to click "RELOAD" each time you visit- Many changes made almost daily. WARNING: You may NOT, repeat, NOT copy these pages and present them on any other web site that indicates in ANY way that it is your work product without specific permission. You may link to these pages to your heart's content. Don't even think of copying this information and presenting it as yours. All material is available for you See more...
By A on 60 years after defeat : Has Japan Addressed Its Wa... on 2/17/05
Former spy claims Australian government covered up Iraq prisoner abuse A former Australian spy contradicted government claims that no Australian was involved in interrogating Iraqi prisoners, saying he himself witnessed and reported the alleged abuse of Iraqis by their US captors. Rod Barton, a former senior analyst for the Defense Intelligence Organisation (DIO) and a long-time Iraq weapons inspector, said he personally interrogated an Iraqi detainee at Camp Cropper, a US center which held so-called "high value" prisoners. "Someone was brought to me in an orange jumpsuit with a guard with a gun standing behind him," Barton told Four Corners, a news program to be broadcast later Monday on Australian Broadcasting Corporation television. "Of course I didn't pull any fingernails out but I think it's misleading to say no Australians were involved, I was involved," he said. Last year after revelations that US soldiers were abusing Iraqis in Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison, the Australian See more...
By A on Iraq: a young Japanese traveller taken hostage on 2/14/05
"Nakasone seeks revision of Constitution, calls for possessing defense army and clarifying emperor as head of state." As I wrote in my RTL column December 30th 2004 :,%2017313 "Un Monde en question (30/12/04) Joel Legendre RTL Japon : la succession de la famille imperiale Est-ce le retour du Japon imperrial et nationaliste ? Il y a en tout cas beaucoup de ferveur populaire et politique autour du sort de la famille imperriale nippone. La princesse Nori, le troisieme enfant de l'empereur du Japon, a annonce officiellement son mariage, prevu pour l'an prochain. La correspondance pour RTL de Joel Legendre." URL :,%2017313
By A on Nakasone seeks revision of Constitution, calls for... on 1/21/05
A photo of the event here :
By A on The European Airbus A380 super-jumbo revealed in F... on 1/11/05
So much for a country who stated publicly to be closed to the protection of nature, one entire part of the Asia Pacific community, and who lectured other nations on human rights...
By A on Chemical war : New Zealand confirms supplying Ag... on 1/9/05
Thanks for posting this! For those who want to help out... I have added some Christian mission relief links to:
By Paul on Thousands killed by earthquake and tsunami in sout... on 12/30/04
Japanese government has decided to set up an experts panel to study the feasibility of allowing a woman to succeed to the Chrysanthemum throne by amending the Imperial House Law, government sources said Dec 27, 2004. The panel, to be made up of experts in law and other fields, will have its first meeting early next year, they said. Under the current law, only male heirs can succeed to the throne. However, no male heir has been born into the imperial family in almost 40 years.
By A on Japan's Emperor says He was shocked by his Son's r... on 12/27/04
A European rocket roared into space from a pad in South America on Saturday, placing into orbit a surveillance satellite billed as giving France's military new abilities to spy worldwide. The unmanned craft lifted off smoothly from a launch center in Kourou, French Guiana, at 1:36 p.m. - the third and last launch of an Ariane-5 rocket this year, Arianespace said. The satellite and six smaller scientific ones were placed into orbit about an hour after liftoff. It was the first time in 11 years that an Ariane rocket carried as many as seven satellites on a single launch. The Helios 2A military satellite, the rocket's main cargo, is to rotate in sun-synchronous orbit around 435 miles above the Earth, Arianespace said. "The success of the Helios 2A launch is a great step forward for our space policy," Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie said at Ecole Militaire. "Mastering space is an imperative for tomorrow," she said, calling for greater space cooperation in Europe. The French See more...
By A on French Helios-II A, a new generation of military ... on 12/23/04
"Missile shield failure" USA Defense Department: the flight test failed on Wednesday as the interceptor missile did not launch from the Marshall Islands due to an "unknown anomaly," though the target missile carrying a mock warhead was successfully fired from Kodiak, Alaska. The failure could deal a heavy blow to the Bush administration, which plans to activate a rudimentary ground-based missile defense shield by the end of this year. The Japanese government has said the failure has had no impact on the planned Japan-U.S. joint missile shield development. Tokyo said the two countries are working on a different type of system that is much smaller in scale. Japan and the United States agreed in 1998 to engage in joint missile shield research after North Korea fired a ballistic missile over Japan earlier that year. The two countries are poised to move on to the development and production stages as last week Japan announced a relaxation of its arms exports control to enable sales of See more...
By A on French Helios-II A, a new generation of military ... on 12/19/04
"The U.S. government moved quickly Friday to refute a claim made by a leading North Korea expert that Washington has exaggerated its intelligence on North Korea's nuclear program as it did in the case of Iraq. The controversy was sparked by an article set to be published in the Dec. 17 issue of Foreign Affairs by Selig Harrison, who is director of the Asia Program and chairman of the Task Force on U.S.-Korean Policy at the Center for International Policy. "Relying on sketchy data, the Bush administration presented a worst-case scenario as an incontrovertible truth and distorted its intelligence on North Korea (much as it did in Iraq), seriously exaggerating the danger that Pyongyang is secretly making uranium-based nuclear weapons," Harrison writes in the article posted on the journal's website. Harrison also says the administration of President George W. Bush has failed to provide evidence to support the claims to China, Japan, South Korea and Russia -- its partners in the See more...
By A on Did North Korea Cheat? on 12/11/04
Prince Akishino, who turned 39 on Tuesday, expressed regret that his older brother Crown Prince Naruhito made remarks in May about the situation of Crown Princess Masako, who continues to recuperate from a stress-induced illness, without consulting Emperor Akihito. "I myself was surprised at the remarks in no small measure, and I heard the emperor was also very surprised," Prince Akishino said in reply to questions from the Imperial Household Agency press corps prior to his birthday. "I think he should only have made those remarks after first talking to the emperor about what he planned to say in his meeting with the press. So I think it's a pity," the prince said. Princess Masako's condition attracted media attention after the crown prince made unusually candid remarks for an imperial family member about her situation in May, saying, "There have been developments that have denied Masako's career as a diplomat as well as her personality." Accompanied by his wife Princess Kiko, See more...
By A on Covering Japan's Royals, according to Tony Mac Nic... on 11/30/04
Major economic powers agreed to write off US$31 billion (euro24 billion) of Iraqi debt in a major breakthrough for U.S.-led efforts to get Iraq's economy back on its feet. Months of intensive lobbying by Washington finally paid off when the other 18 members of the Paris Club agreed to wipe 80 percent of the US$39 billion (euro30 billion) that Iraq owes them. The cut represents about a quarter of Iraq's total international debt. But the three-stage deal announced Sunday also represents a significant concession by countries that opposed the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, such as France, Germany and Russia, which had expressed reluctance to forgive much more than half of Iraq's debt. French President Jacques Chirac said in June that going any further could be seen as unfair to poorer countries with heavy international liabilities but without Iraq's oil wealth. In a sign that a compromise was near, however, German Finance Minister Hans Eichel publicly endorsed an 80 percent write-off on See more...
By A on France reconstruction of Iraq on 11/22/04
A submarine that briefly intruded into Japanese waters last week was tracked by U.S. Navy P-3C patrol planes off Guam until it moved to waters near Okinawa, Japanese government sources said Tuesday. A Maritime Self-Defense Force helicopter tracks a submarine that entered Japanese waters last week some 300 km north-northwest of Miyako Island. Tokyo determined the sub to be Chinese and lodged a protest. On Tuesday, Beijing acknowledged it was a Chinese vessel and expressed regret over the incident. Based on the positional information obtained by the P-3Cs, which tracked the nuclear-powered sub from the Guam area, Maritime Self-Defense Force patrol planes dropped a sonobuoy for detecting submerged submarines and confirmed the vessel's location south of Ishigaki Island in Okinawa Prefecture early Nov. 9, the sources said. The submarine continued to travel submerged from the Guam area until MSDF planes and vessels stopped tracking it Friday in the East China Sea, they said. It is See more...
By A on Japan tested by China on submarine incursion on 11/19/04

Profesor Lim corrected a mistake confusing China's Han (nuclear) and Kilo (non nuclear) submarines. The Kilos are the ones purchased from Russia. [See NBR forum of the day]
By A on Japan tested by China on submarine incursion on 11/16/04

As of the end of July 2004 the Japanese navy had observed 30 Chinese vessels operating within Japan's claimed EEZ since the beginning of the year. None had observed the agreement of February 2001 that advance notice should be given to Japan, Professor Robyn Lim writes. I think I am correct in assuming that this is the first time that a nuclear-powered Han submarine, purchased from Russia, has been found to be engaging in such activities. China is presumably planning a blockade of Taiwan. It should not plan on the Japanese Navy remaining in port should it seriously contemplate such an option. With all the recent talk about Nanjing, Yasukuni etc, we also need to "Remember the Queenfish", because the Japanese Navy most assuredly has not forgotten it. (The US submarine that lurked in the Bashi Channel in the latter stages of WW2 and sank an inordinate amount of Japanese shipping.) A China in possession of Taiwan would have open access to the deep waters of the Pacific, and thus See more...
By A on Japan tested by China on submarine incursion on 11/16/04
Princess Sayako, the 35-year-old only daughter of the Japanese emperor, is set to marry a commoner and leave the imperial family, Japanese media said on Sunday. The princess, known informally as Nori, is engaged to marry a Tokyo local government official, 39-year-old Yoshiki Kuroda, next spring, the reports said. The couple both graduated from the private Gakushuin University in Tokyo, and share an interest in wildlife, media said. Nori, youngest of three children of Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, spends part of her time working at an ornithology research institute. An official at the Imperial Household Agency said he could not comment on the reports before an official announcement, which has been delayed to late December out of consideration for victims of an earthquake in Niigata. A series of powerful tremors beginning on Oct. 23 have killed about 40 people, injured thousands and left many homeless in the region. Reports of the engagement come almost a year after Nori's See more...
By A on Japan Emperor say: no one should be forced to face... on 11/14/04
What led Iris Chang to the suicide? 01:37 2004-11-12 Iris Chang, a best-selling Chinese American author was found dead at the age of 36. She had been discovered in her car along Highway 17 just south of Los Gatos with a gunshot wound to her head, Santa Clara County authorities said on Wednesday. Authorities believe the injury was self-inflicted. Chang had recently been treated in hospital after suffering from depression. Chang was renowned for her books about the Japanese occupation of China as well as the history of Chinese immigrants in the US, as the BBC News reported. "I'm just shocked," said retired San Francisco Superior Court Judge Lillian Sing, who was helping Chang with a documentary on aging U.S. military veterans who had suffered as POWs in Japanese captivity during World War II. "She was a real woman warrior trying to fight injustice." Stunned friends and colleagues sought to understand what might have led to the suicide of an energetic and passionate young woman who See more...
By A on Iris Chang, a Chinese American writer found dead i... on 11/14/04
Shinkansen not safe? First-ever bullet train derailment reveals safety-system's limitations Japan Times says. The Toki No. 325 bullet train on the Joetsu Shinkansen Line was running at 210 kph when the first of a series of powerful quakes hit Niigata Prefecture shortly before 6 p.m. Saturday evening. A derailed bullet train lies askew Sunday on the Joetsu Shinkansen Line near Nagaoka Station in Niigata Prefecture. Although none of its 151 passengers were injured, the train was derailed -- the first time a bullet train left the tracks since such trains began running with the launch of the Tokaido Shinkansen Line in 1964. "The train was running normally, when suddenly it swayed badly, and I almost hit my face on the back of the seat in front of me," said Eiichi Nakamura, 59, a company worker from the city of Niigata. Japan's railway engineers have taken great pride in the shinkansen system's record of no major accidents. But Saturday's quakes showed that even the shinkansen See more...
By A on Japanese Prime Minister enjoys movie festival whil... on 10/25/04
According to Sankei Shimbun on October 9, 2004, the Chinese People's Liberation Army has deployed 10,000 troops to three areas near the Duman River, the border between China and North Korea, in order to prevent North Korean troops from escaping in groups from North Korea on October 4. The Sankei also recently reported that 30,000 Chinese troops have been deployed near the Aprok River along the border starting early this month. In particular, it is remarkable that these kinds of troop movements could arise from rumors of the possibility that armed North Korean troops might be escaping in groups from North Korea. Article:
By A on South Korean MP reports US military attack capabil... on 10/11/04
Location of Kashi, west China, Uygur Land. Click:
By A on RSF states: French equipment jam foreign broadcast... on 10/9/04
French officials were prepared to provide as many as 15,000 troops for an invasion of Iraq before relations soured between Washington and Paris over the timing of an attack, according to a new book published in France this week. According to the book, Chirac Contre Bush: L'Autre Guerre (Chirac Versus Bush: The Other War), France's General Jean Patrick Gaviard visited the Pentagon in December 2002, three months before the war began, to discuss a contribution of 10,000 to 15,000 troops and to negotiate landing and docking rights for French jets and ships. Military officials in France were interested in joining in an attack because they felt that not participating with the United States in a major war would leave French forces unprepared for future conflicts, according to Mr Thomas Cantaloube, one of the authors. But the negotiations had not progressed far before French President Jacques Chirac decided that the US was pushing too fast to short-circuit inspections by United Nations See more...
By A on The final judgment: Iraq had no WMD when war began... on 10/7/04
China's People's Liberation Army moved more than 30,000 troops to areas along the Yalu River, which serves as the country's border with North Korea, earlier this month, the Sankei Shimbun said Thursday, quoting a source close to Japanese and Chinese relations. The source was quoted as saying the move is a prelude to a major drill or an arrangement to stem the inflow of a rising number of North Koreans at the border, according to the newspaper. It said, quoting another source, the North Korean army has dispatched elite forces along the river in response to China's move.
By A on The North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004 (USA) on 10/7/04
US tapped Chirac's phones during Iraq wrangle, says book A new book examining the antagonistic relationship between Presidents Jacques Chirac and George W. Bush claims the United States bugged the French leader's telephone to find out his moves in opposition to the Iraq War. American surveillance listens in to what happens in the privacy of the Elysee Palace (Chirac's offices), according to several French sources in the military and intelligence fields, the book, Chirac Contre Bush: L'Autre Guerre (Chirac Against Bush: The Other War), said. Released today, the work by French newspaper journalists Henri Vernet and Thomas Cantaloube said that an unidentified former senior French military official found out about the bugging during a Washington lunch with a Bush administration official. The relationship between your President and ours is irreparable on the personal level.
By A on Report states there were no WMD in Iraq on 10/7/04

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Mission médicale française en Corée du Nord

Témoignage rare et descriptif sur la situation économique, humanitaire et médicale de la Corée du Nord

Je l'ai écrit sur mon blog, je l'ai dit à la radio, des médecins français ont souvent porté leur magistère dans des pays en crise tels que la Corée du nord. Le professeur Roux depuis 2008, le professeur Debré fin octobre, non loin de la date de décès d'un célèbre Maréchal nord Coréen. Bernard Debré est ancien Ministre de la Coopération du gouvernement Édouard Balladur: "Je ne pense pas qu’il faille voir dans cette mission nord coréenne que j’ai menée avec le Professeur Michaël Peyromaure, mon collaborateur, un aspect de politique étrangère mais plutôt un aspect médical. Cela dit, si ma présence peut être d’un quelconque apport pour la paix, j'en serai très heureux."

Une autre façon d'aborder le dossier nord Coréen.

Son Blog

Et aussi Bernard Debré, avec une radio française, sur la péninsule de Corée

Président d'honneur pour la France de la Fondation NKFC (Nginn Karet Foundation for Cambodia). Il s'occupe en outre de 14 villages au Cambodge, responsable d'un service de chirurgie. Il a participé également à de nombreuses opération humanitaires en Afghanistan, dans différentes régions de la Chine, en Côte d'Ivoire, au Mali, en Mauritanie, au Gabon. Responsable d'un service d'opérations à Moussaferabad au Cachemire pakistanais. A l'occasion de tremblements de terre en Algérie, en Chine, au Pakistan, il a participé à des mission de secours d'urgence.

Bernard Debré est né le 30 septembre 1944 à Toulouse (Haute Garonne). Chirurgien urologue et homme politique. Frère jumeau de Jean-Louis Debré, actuel Président du Conseil constitutionnel, fils de Michel Debré, ancien Premier ministre et rédacteur de la Constitution de la Vème République, et d'Anne-Marie Lemaresquier. Petit-fils de Robert Debré, un des fondateurs de l'UNICEF, créateur de la pédiatrie moderne. Marié et père de quatre enfants.

En mission en Asie du sud-est

Compte rendu de son récent déplacement à Pyongyang

"... à la fin du mois d'octobre. J’ai apporté un certain nombre de matériels très sophistiqués à l'hôpital de Pyongyang, matériels que je leur ai offerts. J’ai également visité des hôpitaux.

Cette mission médicale en Corée du Nord rentre dans le cadre des nombreuses missions que j’ai réalisées dans un certain nombre de pays difficiles. Je suis allé opérer en Afghanistan, au Cachemire pakistanais, à Mussaferabad où j’avais un hôpital qui malheureusement a été détruit par un tremblement de terre. Je vais ainsi dans un certain nombre de pays pour apporter un petit espoir de paix en opérant et en offrant du matériel.

Curieusement, dans cet hôpital nord-coréen, certains services sont assez modernes, en particulier celui de la radiologie. D’autres, au contraire sont très pauvres, tel celui d'urologie qui manque de beaucoup de matériel moderne. C’est pour cette raison que j’en ai apporté et que je continuerai à en envoyer. Heureusement, les médecins sont assez ouverts et il n’y a pas trop de morosité de leur part.

Ils sont très avides de contact avec l’Occident. Si vous aviez vu la joie qu’ils ou elles montraient, c’était pour moi un bonheur de leur faire plaisir ainsi d’ailleurs qu’aux malades modestes que j’ai opérés. Je le referai si les Nord-Coréens me le demandent. Cette mission n’avait évidemment pas de but autre que médical. Cela dit, évidemment, j’ai rencontré des « personnalités ».

J’ai été reçu par les autorités du pays, du moins certaines (Ministres de la santé, des affaires étrangères, le Président du Présidium suprême, qui est le Président officiel du pays, sinon le dirigeant, et d’autres encore dont je ne peux pas donner les noms). Il était évident que j’allais être invité, d’autant que j’avais soigné à Paris des personnalités nord-coréennes importantes. Ce pays entre dans une phase semble-t-il de semi-transition, il est très avide de s'ouvrir mais il y a encore loin de l’espoir à la réalité.

La Corée du Nord est un pays extrêmement pauvre où il y a peu d’électricité, peu ou pas de chauffage, évidemment peu ou pas d’étrangers mais j’ai eu la surprise de voir que le nombre de voitures à Pyong Yang avait augmenté de façon assez significative, qu’elles étaient d’ailleurs presque toutes allemandes et j’ai vu également la présence d’agronomes ou de techniciens allemands dans la périphérie de Pyong Yang.

J’ai pu visiter une ferme ultra moderne, écologique qui était assez spectaculaire, cultivant les choux, les salades, les tomates, les fraises et également les poissons. On a l’impression que la Corée va bouger d’autant plus qu’elle va y être obligée, son grand voisin la Chine étant de plus en plus distant vis à vis d’elle.

Le président Nicolas Sarkozy avait mandaté Jack Lang pour, semble-t-il, ouvrir une mission politique. Je ne suis pas sur que cette mission ait été couronnée de succès, d’après ce que l’on a pu me dire. Jack Lang avait une lettre du Président Nicolas Sarkozy qu’il devait remettre à M. Kim Jung Il qu’il n’a pas pu voir, il a donc gardé la lettre ce qui a vexé les autorités.

Cela dit, une fois encore il faudra évaluer l’intérêt qu’il y a à ouvrir cette mission politique. Personnellement je pense qu’il serait nécessaire de l’ouvrir en accord avec les autres pays européens (qui sont, eux, tous représentés en Corée du Nord). Je ne suis pas sûr qu’exclure par un embargo tant de millions de Nord-Coréens qui sont dans la misère soit une très bonne chose. Je pense que le dialogue sincère et quelquefois ferme vaut mieux qu’un embargo.

En tout état de cause, il est difficile pour un médecin de voir une population si démunie et j’ai été assez fier et content de pouvoir apporter un peu de soulagement à ceux qui en avaient besoin. Je ne pense pas qu’il faille voir dans cette mission nord coréenne que j’ai menée avec le Professeur Michaël Peyromaure, mon collaborateur, un aspect de politique étrangère mais plutôt un aspect médical. Cela dit, si ma présence peut être d’un quelconque apport pour la paix, j'en serai très heureux.

C’est en partie par un effort de coopération sanitaire que les pays s’ouvriront par les médecins, par les administratifs des hôpitaux, par les infirmiers qui nous côtoient. Je leur apporte, et mes équipes également, un espoir. Ils l’apprécient d’autant que, comme je vous l’ai dit, certains d’entre eux ont été formés en France."
Pr. Bernard DEBRE (Ancien Ministre)

Fin de citation. L'intégral du texte ici

Sources: Blog Debré, RF, Agences, Reporter's notes