Time is a precious resource, there's just never enough of it. In education, parents often struggle to meet the demands of work, children and other responsibilities, and finding the right balance is hard and a lot of pressure. In today's competitive world, what school to offer to your kids who want to develop a super and proper education in sciences and in the field of high-technologies? Especially when these kids have Einstein brains alike and that they continually focus on furthering their education...
The Yokohama Science Frontier High School built it!
YSFH: the making of 21st century's Japanese scientists
Inaugurated just 1 year ago in April 2009, the year of the 150th anniversary of the opening of Port of Yokohama, the YSFH, the Yokohama Science Frontier High School, provides education with an emphasis on science and technology. It is the first in Kanagawa Prefecture, and is recognized as a top modernizer of municipal education in Japan.
"Watching tomorrow's sciences"
The YSFH has five distinguished Super Advisors and among them is Dr. Akiyoshi Wada, Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo, Dr. Masatoshi Koshiba (world known for his research on the Sun which produces neutrinos) Nobel laureate in Physics in 2002 and Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo. 50 associate member universities, corporations and institutions dispatch their professors and researchers to the YSFH as lecturers.
YSFH High School
The school's motto is to "seek knowledge through surprise and awe" and it adds "triggered by "real experience" in the four fields of cutting-edge science and technology: life science, nanotechnology and materials, environment, information and communication.
Kids scientists or scientists who are still kids?
Thinking about the Earth from Yokohama and the development of the child
From environmental problems such as global warming and climate change, to issues such as resources, energy, and food supply, little by little humankind is said to be approaching a critical situation. High expectations are held for science and technology, and human resources with the ability to utilize this knowledge to resolve these global-scale problems and open the way to a bright future. The trump cards for a country such as Japan in particular, with its scarce natural resources, are scientific perspectives and thinking, as well as young people with scientific hearts and minds.
The Yokohama Science Frontier High School is located within the Yokohama Science Frontier area, a research and development base on Yokohama’s waterfront. The first school in Japan to actually incorporate the word "science" in its name, the Yokohama Science Frontier High School aims to cultivate human beings with scientific capabilities and high aspirations who will be active not only in Yokohama but on the global stage.
Classes of 35 units per week are provided: First and second-year students study a common curriculum.
Science and Mathematics subjects are reinforced, with all students taking 29 units or more of Science and Mathematics and 3 or more Science subjects. For the Science and Mathematics course, students are required to study 25 units of Science and Mathematics subjects and 3 Science for Science and Mathematics subjects.
VDO - What is so special to study at YSFH? I asked 1 of the kids scientists
Click the arrow to watch Raphael 's comments
Currently, the second year after the school opened, a total of 472 students, first and second graders, are studying at the YSFH. It was the most competitive municipal high school in the prefecture for the entrance exam in FY2009.
A lab' like a real research center
From April 2010, the YSFH reached the level of a "Super Science High School". What does it mean? The school's focus is on its education on science and mathematics to boost global human resource in science and technology and this is given by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
"We emphasize on experiments and practical training"
"Science" is an academic field that requires one to look closely
at things and then think about them logically and methodically
from square one. It provides guidelines for solving a diverse range
of problems in both natural sciences and social sciences fields.
Herein also lies the magnificence of flying the “skies of
intellectual inquiry,” using the engine of wisdom and the fuel of
knowledge. The tremendous usefulness of scientific thinking is
demonstrated by the fact that, although there are few people who
switch from social to natural science, there is an active flow of
human resources from natural sciences to social sciences.
Not only science but all academic fields are enjoyable if the
knowledge resonates in the hearts and minds of students as they
learn. Necessary for this resonance are genuine experience of
experiments and fieldwork, admiration for great historical figures
and one’s elders, candid discussion between friends and
colleagues, lofty vision and a broad perspective, and time to think
things through thoroughly. In just such a “truth-seeking”
atmosphere, talking informally with students and teachers alike, I
hope to build up a high school where the thrill of enterprise can
be enjoyed."

Akiyoshi Wada, Super Advisor at the
Yokohama Science Frontier High School
-Yokohama Science Frontier High School
-Report realized with the Foreign Press Center © 2010
䷡ Reporter's Notes
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